S*x with me is like…

s*x with me is like...

s*x with me is like...

Sex with me is like improvised card game about your sex life kickstarter

The game for Funny people

The improvised card game about your sex liFe.

A certified good time

the above data shows 'fun' over 'time'

Live, Laugh, Love, Improvise

Live, Laugh, Love, Improvise

A love letter to improv comedy

2018 / I walked into an improv jam (trembling in fear) and proceeded to meet the kindest & funniest people on the Northeastern University Campus.

Today / I have spent nearly every week of the past five years practicing or performing. I have made the best friends a human can hope for.

Forward / Now presenting The crowd favorite: “Sex with me Is like…” in card form. this game will bring joy to you and your friends, and possibly inspire one more person to try improv comedy.

Thank you.

INSPIRING humor and BUILDING relationships  through improvised comedy

aka our silly little card game~!